Thursday, February 19, 2009

Valerie Schulz's Blog Post on The Various Uses to Educators of Sites that Display Test Data

After looking up "online test data for educators" on, I came across a website that described a new program teachers were using to incorporate test data into their lessons. The article that I found on this website (, gave information about Jackson County schools, in Michigan, will be utilizing test score data in order to help improve future test scores and "commonize" classrooms. By "commonizing" the classroom, teachers can still use their same teaching strategies, but there are days when they all teach the same lesson on the same day.
The article said that, "'data-driven instruction' is quickly becoming the latest fad in education," but it is something that I believe will help the students in the long run. By incorporating test data with observations and research, the students can be taught more effectively and to higher standards.

1 comment:

  1. Valerie,
    In response to your comment on my post I have to say I agree with you. Entering and interpreting data is certainbly going to take some training while we prepare for our careers in education. It's nice to see that you picked the article from MLive, being from Michigan, I am familiar with the website.

    While I agree that test data is a useful tool for educators, I also am weary about "data-driven instruction". I think that it is important that educators use a variety of research tools when developing curriculum.
    -Kelly Romero
