Monday, April 13, 2009

Reflective Teaching- Kaitlyn Lara

I decided to research reflective teaching. I came across an article called "Reflective Teaching" by Kellie Hayden. The article was advising teachers to take time over the summer and reflect on their lessons. The article gave a great definition on reflection which said, "Reflection means thinking about what worked and what did not work. It is not really about what the students did. It is what you as a teacher did to make the lesson soar or maybe even flop." The article talks about reflecting on the lessons that did not work and figuring out why. Sometimes all it needs is a little change and it will become an awesome lesson, other times one should just get rid of it all together. The article also provide some questions that a teacher can use when reflecting and trying to fix a lesson that may have flopped.

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting article but I feel that by creating a self evaluation process over the summer, you lack all the information that you need to determine wether the lesson soared or flopped. By creating a reflective process that is either videotaped or voice recorded, you can create a refresher on your lesson for yourself and see as well as hear how your students respond to the lesson. After all, the whole basis of reflective teaching is to improve your lessons for the benefit of the students.
    Kristianna King
