Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Internet as a Tool for Assisting Students who are English Language Learners- Signe Larson

I found an article on how Internet can be a tool for assisting students who are English language learners it is titled The Word and the World: Technology Aids English-Language Learners and is by Maya Payne Smart. This article talks about how technologies are a useful aid for students who need help with English. Wegener-Taganashi states "technology mixes things up, captures students' attention, and engages them in a way traditional classroom instruction doesn't." This article explains that it is critical that we start learning how to use technologies to aid ELL students and start to apply the technologies in the class room. By the year 2015 supposedly 1 in 3 students will be a ELL.

This article also gives recommendations for good programs to aid students who need to learn a different language. Some of them being Read Naturally, MindPlay's My Reading Coach, Rosetta Stone language-learning software, Scientific Learning's Reading Assistant, and Kurzweil Educational Systems's Kurzweil 3000. Some of these programs like Kurzweil 3000 can actually scan a document in any text format and in multiple languages. Or Reading Assistant which is "a one-on-one guided oral-reading support program, has sophisticated speech-recognition software that helps children pronounce words correctly." Also most of the different type of software offer private, individual coaching. Which allows students to work in an environment where they don't have to be embarrassed reading in front of their peers and they can learn in a non-judgmental environment.

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