Friday, February 6, 2009

Valerie Schulz's Module 5 Blog

After searching on for an article that corresponded with the assignment, I finally found an article titled “Checklists for the Evaluation of Educational Software: Critical Review and Prospects” at This article discussed the strengths and weaknesses of using checklists to evaluate educational software. It first informed about why the use of the checklists is so popular, and that is because there are easy to work with and they provide “a structured list of relevant criteria for evaluation.” These forms of review include answers that need only yes or no response, or even ones in which a person rates the product on a one to five star scale.
Although those forms of evaluation seem to be a simple way to review a product, it does create issues. If there are open ended questions, you could easily specify the problems or things that you like about a product, but with this close-ended evaluation, there is little validity for the evaluations; they are unreliable. If the criteria for the review was better developed, than the “validity of checklists may be improved.” Until then, checklists should not be relied on heavily as a great way see how a product was reviewed.

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